On 29/5/2020, the normative act “For some changes in the act no. 21, dated 25.3.2020 on taking special measures in the field of judicial activity during the duration of the epidemic situation caused by COVID-19” was published in the official gazette.
According to this act, the courts conduct court hearings in administrative, civil and criminal matters, implementing specific organizational measures for the development of court proceedings, necessary to avoid gatherings in court premises and within courtrooms. All sessions will be held behind closed doors.
The deadlines that had started to be calculated according to the procedures provided in the relevant legislation, but were suspended according to point 2, of article 3, of normative act no. 9, dated 25.3.2020, of the Council of Ministers, “On taking special measures in the field of judicial activity, during the duration of the state of the epidemic caused by COVID-19 ”, continue to be calculated from the date of entry into force of this normative act for the incomplete part of the term. The deadlines that should have started during the suspension period, will start to be calculated according to the procedures provided in the relevant legislation from the date of entry into force of this normative act.
To access normative act no.21 dated 27.5.2020 please click the link below: