As part of the continuation of the fiscal process, the General Directorate of Taxation notifies all entities in the field of Information Technology, on the establishment of the joint commission for certification of software solutions manufacturers / maintainers.
Pursuant to DCM No. 239, dated 20.03.2020 “On the technical and functional requirements of the software solution for the billing and fiscal procedure as well as the procedure and criteria for the registration of producers and maintainers of software solutions”, a joint order is signed between the General Directorate of Taxes and the National Agency of Information Society for appointments to the joint certification commission, thus creating the opportunity for application and certification of any interested entity.
Accompanied by the joint order, a joint regulation was signed on the specification of certification procedures in order to clarify all the steps of the certification process, from the application to the receipt of the certificate. Pursuant to this regulation, the joint working group with specialists is charged according to the relevant areas, which will review the requirements of each applicant, the data and documentation submitted, as well as the software solution itself. We emphasize that the application for certification is performed at the National Agency of Information Society through the e-Albania Government Interaction Platform. The Tax Administration encourages all interested parties to apply for certification, thus becoming part of the very important fiscal process.